The United Voices Choir (UVC), is an inclusive, auditioned choir based in Vancouver, BC, which focuses on larger choral works with orchestra and soloists. Under the direction of Dr. Greg Caisley, our energetic, passionate and talented Artistic Director, our previous performance repertoire ranges from Bach’s St. John Passion, Mozart’s Requiem, as well as works by Brahms, Vivaldi, Handel, Haydn, Fauré, Poulenc, Puccini, Saint-Saëns, Finzi, Vaughan Williams and Lauridsen. In the fall of 2022, we performed Brahms’ Ein deutsches Requiem and Mendelssohn’s Psalm 42. Our repertoire for the spring of 2023 featured Cherubini’s Requiem in c and Rheinberger’s Mass in C. For Christmas 2023, we performed Handel’s Messiah and recently in 2024, we tried our hands at Bach’s monumental Mass in B minor. The repertoire for our Fall Concerts in November 2024 will include works by Mozart, Schubert and Fauré. Additionally, we will be presenting a Sing-Along-Messiah in December 2024.
We are a friendly, caring, sociable, and supportive group of approximately 60 diverse members. Amongst us you will find young people, retirees, and those in between. Our musical skills range from amateur to more advanced singers who all share a love of choral music and a desire to sing together with others. We rehearse on Tuesday evenings, September through May, from 7.00-9.30pm at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, 1130 Jervis St. We also attend occasional additional sectionals.
The opportunity to learn about and sing major choral works highly motivates us. However, the other key factor that draws us to the UVC is the unique privilege of performing such wonderful music accompanied by professional level orchestras and soloists. For choral singers who have never been supported by professional instrumentalists and soloists, this is an experience that should not be missed, as these professionals bring choral singing to a whole new level. The excitement that one feels walking onto the stage as our orchestra is warming up is palpable and, once the baton drops and the performance begins, singers feel exhilarated, inspired, uplifted, and very fortunate.
If you wish to join us, or would like to learn more about the United Voices Choir, please contact us at info@voiceschoir.ca or click on the JOIN OUR CHOIR link on our website
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The United Voices Choir gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Province of British Columbia